







These girls use tattoos to express their personalities. All of them are hot and want to chat. Some of them are big sluts, and they love giving live blowjobs to their clients. Other like to play with dildos and give their partners a hardcore show.


Yumna AlArashi, a photographer from North Africa, travelled across the continent to document Yemeni woman who wear facial tattoos. She says the fading of these marks, which often resembled astrological symbols or served as protection from superstitions, is linked to a rise in literacy and a shift toward more fundamental interpretations of Islam. But for the women she photographed, the markings remain a symbol of beauty in the same way that young women enjoy makeup.


As a guy, you have a lot of options for making yourself stand out from the crowd. You can experiment with makeup or get a tattoo. Tattoos can be a sign of strength or rebellion for some girls. But for others, they are just a way to show off their artistic style.

Yumna Al-Arashi 花了一年時間穿越北非,拍攝仍有臉部刺青的女性。她說她對也門曾祖母臉上裝飾的點和線著迷,這些點和線被用來標記那些想要美麗的女性,就像現在許多女性喜歡化妝一樣。

Some people seem prone to think that tattooed girls are rebellious or dangerous. The stereotype is that they might be smoking drugs or involved in sex with multiple men, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Obviously, these girls are still attractive, and there is something about them that attracts guys.



The London-based photographer decided in 2017 to document these fading customs by traveling across North Africa. She says that although it is still common in rural areas for women to have facial tattoos on their faces, the practice has waned with the spread of more fundamental interpretations Islam.
